by Tom Plonski
We can see the things a person does.
We can hear the words a person says.
We cannot read the thoughts a person thinks.
But Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them."
Is it possible then to gain an insight into a person's mindset?
It is true that Jesus said, "Judge not." but it is also true that
Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them." When Jesus
said, "Judge not." he did not mean we should never make judgments
about other people. He said, "By their fruits you shall know
them." to make it easier for us to judge other people correctly.
When Jesus said, "Judge not." he was speaking against idle gossip.
When Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them." Jesus was
giving us advice to judge people so we could protect ourselves
from the influence of persons who are evil, ignorant, or confused.