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PRAYER Tom Plonski April 1, 2001

Lord, thank you for making me. It is good to be alive, Lord. I know that You made me to know You, to love You, and to serve You in this world and to be happy with You forever in heaven.

I am Your servant, Lord. Lord, give me health and strength in mind, spirit, and body so I may serve You better. Use me as Your instrument, Lord Use me to help others to know You, to love You, and to serve You.

I want to serve you better, Lord. Give me wisdom and knowledge, Lord. Make your will clear to me, Lord, so I can serve you better. Lord, I am not worthy to be Your instrument. Lord, make me worthy.

PRAYER Tom Plonski July 7, 2001

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I am your grateful servant, Lord. I love you Lord.I love you with my whole heart.I love you with my whole mind.I love you with my whole soul. I love you with my whole strength.

Look upon your servant, Lord. Hear your servant, Lord. Strengthen my heart so I may love you better, Lord. Strengthen my mind so I may know you better, Lord. Strengthen my body so I may serve you better, Lord. I want to serve you better, Lord. Give me wisdom and knowledge, Lord. Make your will clear to me, Lord, so I can serve you better.


PRAYER Tom Plonski July 7, 2001

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We are your grateful servants, Lord. We love you Lord.We love you with our whole hearts.We love you with our whole minds.We love you with our whole souls. We love you with our whole strength.

Look upon your servants, Lord. Hear your servants, Lord. Strengthen our hearts so we may love you better, Lord. Strengthen our minds so we may know you better, Lord. Strengthen our bodies so we may serve you better, Lord. We want to serve you better, Lord. Give us wisdom and knowledge, Lord. Make your will clear to us, Lord,so we can serve you better.


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